Day 15: The Never Ending Closet Battle

I have not been one to have an growing wishlist, much to my mom’s disagreement. Most of this is due to the fact that I started working at 14 and babysitting at 12. I have always been one to save up for what I want while making sure my future desires were covered too. But as college shopping is in its prime, the wishlist of many a college kid is ever growing. From dorm/apartment stuff, to game day attire, or books, there always seems to be something more. What if I told you, you do not need half of the stuff on that list?

The refashion movement has caught on with as the green movement grows. Everyone looks to Pinterest for inspiration or thrift shops thanks to the newest trend. When was the last time people looked to their own closets for their wishlist? People tend to forget the three nuggets of advice below.

1. Look for the things that can be remastered. That shirt with a spot on it? Bleach it or dye it. The dress that you bought on a whim but it doesn’t quite fit right? Alter it slightly or make it into something else. I am a firm believer that Pinterest powers can beProm used for good if you use the knowledge to your advantage.

All of the information can be overwhelming. And as someone who grew up in the south, I promise, mason jars are not used as much as the internet thinks. In fact, I don’t think I saw a mason jar until a year ago. Make sure to read this article as a reminder of how Pinterest can ruin your life.

Pinterest can be used to teach yourself new things. If you’ve checked out my first post, you know I made my prom dress out of a shower curtain. What I didn’t tell you though is that I taught myself how to sew. I have yet to have a lesson to this day. I have only had the fortune of experienced seamstresses help me fit where I can’t reach. In addition to that prom dress, I have hemmed pants to fit my 5 foot 2 frame, created a dress for a semi-formal event, and even refashioned a maternity shirt to be a classic wardrobe staple. The possibilities are endless.

2. Rethink how you shop. Instead of pinning every cute outfit under the sun I see, I try to pin only outfits at least one of the pieces (jeans not included) and a possible substitute sit in my laundry bin or closet. Nothing says you have to revamp your closet just because it does not match what you see online or in magazines. And who knows, that one piece you never thought you’d wear might have the potential to be the star of a themed party. (Yes, I still regret getting rid of those cheetah print pants (plural)).

3. Get rid of the things you don’t wear to make room for the things that you will. A closet is not exempt from the 80/20 rule. Chances are, you wear 20% of your clothes 80% of the time. While there is no shame to this, think about all of that space! When in college, space is a valuable commodity. Think about selling these objects, having a clothing swap with friends, or donating to someone who could use the clothes instead. Not only will you have more room, but you can also make room for the ever growing wishlist of goods. If you sell the objects, you may even be able to purchase one piece of the outfit.

While comparison may seem like the be all, end all; everyone has their own style. So whether you like classic silhouettes or funky patterns, rock what you are comfortable with and your clothes will complement your personality. If you are not happy with what is in your closet, give it to someone who cherish it or rock the outfit in a way you never could.

While for me this is something I am learning to adapt to since moving into and out of dorm life, its a valuable lesson for any age. (Plus the liberation of 10 bags of clothes feels fantastic.) I’ll be the first to admit that I am not perfect, but my closet is one step closer now.




Day 13: Progress

Name something you are proud of. The question seems to be a popular one among interviews. Each person has their own answer based on their own experiences. What does the answer to this question really mean?


1. Shows where you have been. Among all of the other events in your life, this one has made it to the top. It’s pretty significant.

2. Demonstrates your values. Seeing the effect of your work in some way, shape or form, highlights what is important to you. Assisting with a nonprofit highlights dedication to a cause. Finishing a major project demonstrates determination. Rising above the odds represents perseverance.  There is a meaning behind every story.

3. Highlights endearing characteristics and passions. If you are like most people, you glow and begin babbling as soon as a topic of your passion wiggles its way into conversation. This is a perfectly natural reaction, because you are in your element. Recently, I saw a friend in the center of her niche with the biggest smile I have ever seen on her face.

4. Illuminates where you are headed. Each person shares only a morsel of their past, especially with answering one question. The information given provides much more meaning then your biggest weakness or another typical interview question. Instead, it provides how you overcame obstacles, worked through issues, and still came out on top.

Next time someone asks you what you are proud of, or your most prized possession, think about how much of yourself you are sharing. A small bit of your soul is put into the answer as you spark to life.

So what will you say next?




Day 12: What if Kid President Ruled the World

What if we lived in a world where Kid President ruled? For those of you who haven’t seen his Pep Talk or other videos, I highly suggest you check them out. What stands out the most about his work is the fact that this 10 year old kid seems to have it more of a clue than I do. So I’m going to let him do some of the blogging for now. Not only is this kid hilarious, he emphasizes valid points about everyday we forget.

When Trying to Figure Out What To Do When Bored

When Making Decisions

When Solving Problems

When Dealing with Difficult People

When Picking A Major

For Whatever Reason

What if we laughed more, gave a high five a day, or danced just because. There’s no point in losing the small significance in everyday life. A friend if mine recently said, “emotions are for the weak.” And for a while, I believed him. After seeing a tweet by Kid President, I realized that emotions are not for the weak, negative emotions are for the weak. So what if we lived in a world where Kid President ruled? I say it’d be a lot better place to be. But what’s stopping us from living in this world? Ourselves for one.

This week, I challenge you to live up to one of the commands of Kid President. Find your space jam, give someone a high five a day, or just dance. I promise you will feel better at the end of the day. Plus you never know how your positivity can affect someone else’s life.

To Rainbows and Rocket ships,



Day 10: Something I Never TIre Of Doing

You can never go wrong with Krispy Kreme and USAToday

You can never go wrong with Krispy Kreme and USAToday

Technically, it is Day 9; but, it has been incredibly rainy in the South East. Therefore, I cannot take pictures of what I learned recently. Hopefully the weather will clear up soon because I think what I learned is something everyone should know. Now that I’ve got you ready with the incredible cliffhanger…

Something I never tire of doing stems from settling from what I thought was the only option. No matter what the case, I have found other options exist. It is quite incredible the transformation people experience in their first few years of independence. Personally, this transformation took the shape of the friends I have made. Do not get me wrong, I am incredibly grateful for each and every person that has crossed my path. In some way, shape, or form, they have shaped me into the person I am today.

The people I am lucky enough to call my really good friends challenge me everyday, in multiple ways. Some days its intelligence, some days its patience, some days its forcing my stomach into knots of laughter. When we are together, I feel genuinely happy because they make me a better person.

I am a firm believer that progress is the key to moving forward. So whether its challenging my basic ideals or my patience, they are making me a better person. In fact, one of my friends encouraged my ideas enough to inspire this blog! To him, I am forever grateful.

So to the good times, the intelligent conversation, and laughter fits. Thank you all. I hope you citizens will follow suit and challenge my ideals or make me laugh!




Day 5/6: An Open Letter to the Millennial Generation

I’m slowly getting used to this whole running a blog thing, in doing so, I’m experimenting with the best times for me to write. Sorry day 5 and 6 are in a combined post but I think the anonymous things I would say to people coincide fairly well with the following pet peeves of mine.

If someone took you into a restaurant, blindfolded, and described people only by what they were doing, chances are, you could guess which generation they belonged to in a heartbeat. Why is this? Mainly because the millennial generation has grown up in an era where it’s okay to be on your cellphone while with a group of people. Do not get me wrong, I am part of this generation and have fallen to this practice a few times. However, I have realized that the next Twitter post, Instagram photo of food, or text can wait. The occasional checking of the phone is understandable, especially when you have been with the people all day. But take the time to sit back and unplug from technology while you can to enjoy time with the people you are with face to face.

“Ignorance is bliss” is not something a millennial should be proud of. The access to technology at our fingertips every second of everyday creates a portal to discover any existing information. Discuss current events with your peers, hunt for the latest trends in your interests, or follow up with the headlines seen on Twitter. Regardless of what you are interested in, the information you know will guide your path to success, whether it be about the industry or your ability to connect with your boss. Whether you choose watching the news while working out, reading the paper (or blogs) between classes, or listening to podcasts on your way to class, learn the basics!

The “just because you can, doesn’t mean you should”  approach applies greatly to social networking and how its used. Your future employers do not want to see the pictures from your last social function or vacation, especially with certain clothing or drink choices. Everything you do creates your personal brand. This brand represents who you are beyond the half looked at resume. A simple Google search of your name creates your story. Capture this chance and create your own story.

So now that you know some of my pet peeves, I think it’s a good time to state where this blog will go after I complete the 30 Day Blog Challenge! Each pet peeves section (Class, Updates, and Professionalism) will eventually be its own section of my blog! I can’t wait to share more with you. If you have any ideas or topics you want me to cover, please let me know in the comments section.




Day 2: Meaning Behind the Name

After further delving into the specifics behind the original 30 Day Challenges I was planning to do, I realized I cannot share some things and still get a job after college am pretty boring (Thanks, Parental Unit). Therefore, I decided to create my own 30 Day Challenge based on a variety of sources. This brings us to today’s challenge, the meaning behind the “Republic of the Condo.”

Blog Challenge

Disclaimer: I must first preface this by stating, my friends and I are fairly political off the internet. I prefer to keep this stuff off the internet, mainly because I would like to be hired one day. But yes, my blog’s name is based off the African Country.

One day, I was sitting in my freshman dorm room when my friend, Yoda, suddenly blurted out, “You need to write a book after you graduate and entitle it, ‘Republic of the Condo.’ It can highlight all of your misadventures and shenanigans.” Being the impatient person that I am, I decided not to wait until after I graduate to bestow my misadventures and shenanigans on the citizens of the interweb. Thus, “The Republic of the Condo” blog was born. Who knows, maybe Yoda’s dream will come true and this will turn into a book.

Some of the misadventures we’ve faced include discovering the shower works best to fill a Brita pitcher, finding superglue works instead of stitches, and trying to get candle wax out of the container does not work using the stove. Hopefully our misadventures and shenanigans will translate well with you because we are certainly having a blast learning common sense the hard way.

Stay Tuned,



The Condo: Off-Campus Land of Freedom

Today marks almost 1 month to the day of when I move into the off-campus land of freedom, hereby known as “The Condo.” The roommate and I shall rule this wonderful kingdom together and experience many an adventure.

We have discovered that showers are the best way to fill Brita pitchers, Fridays are meant for cleaning, and living with someone else in 182 square feet makes you really close, really fast. If our next year is anything like our last, you are in for quite the ride.

This blog is meant to be a lifestyle blog showcasing off-campus life, the excitement of involvement, and how to live within your means. I hope to explore unknown recipes, contain insanely wild curls, and discover what it’s like to rule a territory.

So sit tight citizens, while we take on The Condo.



The Ruler