
Currently, I am avoiding packing, because let’s face it, packing is the worst. I’m all for preparation but deciding what clothes to wear in advance without back up is always a struggle. I am, however, proud of myself for packing for 10 days in a carry on earlier in the summer. This trip requires more preparation though because I’m going to the Alpha Kappa Psi Convention in New Orleans!!

Excitement is an understatement. This is my face though. Or at least it will be once I’m packed and awake after trekking to New Orleans at 6:15 am.

But while I’m preparing for such a fantastic experience, I thought it would be a good time to explain what Alpha Kappa Psi is, at least at South Carolina, and why I chose to join. There are some distinct similarities and differences in a trade fraternity in comparison to a sorority or fraternity.
Trade Organization

  1. Successful People: Surrounding yourself with successful people with successful habits tends to rub off on you. Most let you pick their brain about classes, internships, balancing it all, and everything in between.
  2. Connections: Brothers tend to post interesting things they come across, whether job opportunities, interesting articles, and cool events going on in the area.
  3. Alumni Network: Many group boast about their alumni network but trade organizations help you connect with them. Opportunities such as conventions and LinkedIn groups connect you to past members with the other connections.
  4. Professional Development: Trade groups tend to focus on what is going on in the trade. The goal is to allow members to further their skillset and expand their knowledge in an array of relevant topics.

These points seem similar to the rest of Greek Life across campuses. The difference lies in the focus of the organization: personal growth in the trade. As a result, they tend to be co-ed. Some limit based on major, while others do not. Ultimately, it depends on what you would like to get out of an organization. Many seem the same on the outside but the individual composition make the differences.

Like the rest of life, finding happiness in an organization comes from the type of fulfillment you would like to get out of an organization. Once you decide what’s best for you, move forward and make it happen. I have been fortunate to find a group of people who challenge me to become better while still giving me someone to laugh with at any point in time.

If you have any questions about joining a professional or trade organization or about Alpha Kappa Psi itself, comment below!

Rainbows and Rocket Ships,



Day 12: What if Kid President Ruled the World

What if we lived in a world where Kid President ruled? For those of you who haven’t seen his Pep Talk or other videos, I highly suggest you check them out. What stands out the most about his work is the fact that this 10 year old kid seems to have it more of a clue than I do. So I’m going to let him do some of the blogging for now. Not only is this kid hilarious, he emphasizes valid points about everyday we forget.

When Trying to Figure Out What To Do When Bored

When Making Decisions

When Solving Problems

When Dealing with Difficult People

When Picking A Major

For Whatever Reason

What if we laughed more, gave a high five a day, or danced just because. There’s no point in losing the small significance in everyday life. A friend if mine recently said, “emotions are for the weak.” And for a while, I believed him. After seeing a tweet by Kid President, I realized that emotions are not for the weak, negative emotions are for the weak. So what if we lived in a world where Kid President ruled? I say it’d be a lot better place to be. But what’s stopping us from living in this world? Ourselves for one.

This week, I challenge you to live up to one of the commands of Kid President. Find your space jam, give someone a high five a day, or just dance. I promise you will feel better at the end of the day. Plus you never know how your positivity can affect someone else’s life.

To Rainbows and Rocket ships,



Day 3: 5 Places I Were I Want to Travel

For someone who is an International Business major, my out of the US traveling is a sad life of nonexistence. As a result, the places I want to travel continues long past 5 simple places. I’ve narrowed down the results to those outside of the United States.

[The sources of these pictures can be found when clicking the pictures]lakes-and-villas-private-luxury-tour-927x679

1. Italy: My last name ends in a vowel and my dad is full blooded Italian, therefore, I think it’s a requirement to visit where my ancestors called home. I grew up on various types of pastas and Italian desserts. However, the only Italian I know are words I should not repeat around innocent ears.

2. Berlin, Germany: I am currently studying German because of the history and economic reasons. As I’ve ampelmann1progressed in my studies, I have learned the history (pre and post war) about Berlin. The combination of East and West Germany since World War II is beyond fascinating. For example, one of the only markers left from East Germany is the Ampelmann, or traffic man. He looks so happy and jolly for the only cultural relic left from a Communist era.  If you are interested in history and culture, I highly recommend the movie Good-bye Lenin! Last time I checked, it was on Netflix.

3. HoliAn Indian Holi Festival: If you have ever seen pictures of this event, you will understand. If not, look at the picture at left and want to start a paint fight. It looks like so much fun: a place where chaos and sanity combine as emotions are released.

4. Thailand: One word: elephants. Elephants are quite possibly the cutest animals ever. For their size, elephants are such graceful creatures. There are places in Thailand that allow you to swim with elephants and interact with them. To me, the personal interaction creates much more of an impact then seeing animals at a zoo through a fence or a thick Plexiglas wall.

5. Paris: This past year, I had the pleasure of meeting two awesome grad students from Paris. The stories theyParis is always a good idea. told, the mannerism they presented themselves with, and their accomplishments screamed class. Everything they did seemed interesting, especially if you make them imitate how American girls act. Paris represents such a different culture so many movies and celebrities depict. I just want to see what all of the fuss is about.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? I’m always looking to expand my bucket list.

