
I have been a horrible blogger over the past week! But, I have been productive in the real world. I have moved stuff into my apartment, dealt with parental units, and finished making a dress with a few hours to spare before a party. Living the life, right?

In between these awesome activities, I have stumbled upon the following words or phrases that have made me  laugh recently.

I will be the first to admit that I’m not a Monty Python fan. I attempted to watch the movie twice but failed due to sleep. This quote makes me laugh every time I see it though. Recently, our society has focused on liberation and freedom that we forget the inner workings behind the scenes. There is so much information we do not know whether from repression or from lack of interest. If more people had this type of attitude, maybe we would not be as repressed.

The minions never cease to make me laugh to the point where my sides hurt. Regardless of the shenanigan, and let’s be honest, there are many, the minions take everyday life and turn it into classic slapstick comedy.

I will be the first to admit, I have an obsession with clothes, make up, hair, and pretty much everything else involved in dressing up. I am not very girly in many other respects, but who needs all of the other stuff when football is on? I’m slowly conquering the beast that is my closet. But like most battles, it is uphill. Part of the reason why it has taken so long to post can be credited to the a partial closet expansion via my sewing projects.

Notoriously, I am the go to person of my group of friends for crazy outfits for themed parties, fashion trends, and everything else in between. Some people have hobbies, I have clothes.

I love this quote mainly because it comes from Albert Einstein, one of the greatest creators of all time. One of the main points is that one does not need to be locked down to a particular thing to succeed. So many are pushed to find their “thing,” whether it be major, passion, sport, that they lose sight of the fun. Being “passionately curious” fuels adventure, excitement, and fulfillment. Because without these things, man is boring.

Because there’s no such thing as too many minions in your life. Enjoy!

Rainbows and Rocket Ships,



Day 12: What if Kid President Ruled the World

What if we lived in a world where Kid President ruled? For those of you who haven’t seen his Pep Talk or other videos, I highly suggest you check them out. What stands out the most about his work is the fact that this 10 year old kid seems to have it more of a clue than I do. So I’m going to let him do some of the blogging for now. Not only is this kid hilarious, he emphasizes valid points about everyday we forget.

When Trying to Figure Out What To Do When Bored

When Making Decisions

When Solving Problems

When Dealing with Difficult People

When Picking A Major

For Whatever Reason

What if we laughed more, gave a high five a day, or danced just because. There’s no point in losing the small significance in everyday life. A friend if mine recently said, “emotions are for the weak.” And for a while, I believed him. After seeing a tweet by Kid President, I realized that emotions are not for the weak, negative emotions are for the weak. So what if we lived in a world where Kid President ruled? I say it’d be a lot better place to be. But what’s stopping us from living in this world? Ourselves for one.

This week, I challenge you to live up to one of the commands of Kid President. Find your space jam, give someone a high five a day, or just dance. I promise you will feel better at the end of the day. Plus you never know how your positivity can affect someone else’s life.

To Rainbows and Rocket ships,
