
I have been a horrible blogger over the past week! But, I have been productive in the real world. I have moved stuff into my apartment, dealt with parental units, and finished making a dress with a few hours to spare before a party. Living the life, right?

In between these awesome activities, I have stumbled upon the following words or phrases that have made me  laugh recently.

I will be the first to admit that I’m not a Monty Python fan. I attempted to watch the movie twice but failed due to sleep. This quote makes me laugh every time I see it though. Recently, our society has focused on liberation and freedom that we forget the inner workings behind the scenes. There is so much information we do not know whether from repression or from lack of interest. If more people had this type of attitude, maybe we would not be as repressed.

The minions never cease to make me laugh to the point where my sides hurt. Regardless of the shenanigan, and let’s be honest, there are many, the minions take everyday life and turn it into classic slapstick comedy.

I will be the first to admit, I have an obsession with clothes, make up, hair, and pretty much everything else involved in dressing up. I am not very girly in many other respects, but who needs all of the other stuff when football is on? I’m slowly conquering the beast that is my closet. But like most battles, it is uphill. Part of the reason why it has taken so long to post can be credited to the a partial closet expansion via my sewing projects.

Notoriously, I am the go to person of my group of friends for crazy outfits for themed parties, fashion trends, and everything else in between. Some people have hobbies, I have clothes.

I love this quote mainly because it comes from Albert Einstein, one of the greatest creators of all time. One of the main points is that one does not need to be locked down to a particular thing to succeed. So many are pushed to find their “thing,” whether it be major, passion, sport, that they lose sight of the fun. Being “passionately curious” fuels adventure, excitement, and fulfillment. Because without these things, man is boring.

Because there’s no such thing as too many minions in your life. Enjoy!

Rainbows and Rocket Ships,



Day 10: Something I Never TIre Of Doing

You can never go wrong with Krispy Kreme and USAToday

You can never go wrong with Krispy Kreme and USAToday

Technically, it is Day 9; but, it has been incredibly rainy in the South East. Therefore, I cannot take pictures of what I learned recently. Hopefully the weather will clear up soon because I think what I learned is something everyone should know. Now that I’ve got you ready with the incredible cliffhanger…

Something I never tire of doing stems from settling from what I thought was the only option. No matter what the case, I have found other options exist. It is quite incredible the transformation people experience in their first few years of independence. Personally, this transformation took the shape of the friends I have made. Do not get me wrong, I am incredibly grateful for each and every person that has crossed my path. In some way, shape, or form, they have shaped me into the person I am today.

The people I am lucky enough to call my really good friends challenge me everyday, in multiple ways. Some days its intelligence, some days its patience, some days its forcing my stomach into knots of laughter. When we are together, I feel genuinely happy because they make me a better person.

I am a firm believer that progress is the key to moving forward. So whether its challenging my basic ideals or my patience, they are making me a better person. In fact, one of my friends encouraged my ideas enough to inspire this blog! To him, I am forever grateful.

So to the good times, the intelligent conversation, and laughter fits. Thank you all. I hope you citizens will follow suit and challenge my ideals or make me laugh!

