Day 13: Progress

Name something you are proud of. The question seems to be a popular one among interviews. Each person has their own answer based on their own experiences. What does the answer to this question really mean?


1. Shows where you have been. Among all of the other events in your life, this one has made it to the top. It’s pretty significant.

2. Demonstrates your values. Seeing the effect of your work in some way, shape or form, highlights what is important to you. Assisting with a nonprofit highlights dedication to a cause. Finishing a major project demonstrates determination. Rising above the odds represents perseverance.  There is a meaning behind every story.

3. Highlights endearing characteristics and passions. If you are like most people, you glow and begin babbling as soon as a topic of your passion wiggles its way into conversation. This is a perfectly natural reaction, because you are in your element. Recently, I saw a friend in the center of her niche with the biggest smile I have ever seen on her face.

4. Illuminates where you are headed. Each person shares only a morsel of their past, especially with answering one question. The information given provides much more meaning then your biggest weakness or another typical interview question. Instead, it provides how you overcame obstacles, worked through issues, and still came out on top.

Next time someone asks you what you are proud of, or your most prized possession, think about how much of yourself you are sharing. A small bit of your soul is put into the answer as you spark to life.

So what will you say next?




Day 3: 5 Places I Were I Want to Travel

For someone who is an International Business major, my out of the US traveling is a sad life of nonexistence. As a result, the places I want to travel continues long past 5 simple places. I’ve narrowed down the results to those outside of the United States.

[The sources of these pictures can be found when clicking the pictures]lakes-and-villas-private-luxury-tour-927x679

1. Italy: My last name ends in a vowel and my dad is full blooded Italian, therefore, I think it’s a requirement to visit where my ancestors called home. I grew up on various types of pastas and Italian desserts. However, the only Italian I know are words I should not repeat around innocent ears.

2. Berlin, Germany: I am currently studying German because of the history and economic reasons. As I’ve ampelmann1progressed in my studies, I have learned the history (pre and post war) about Berlin. The combination of East and West Germany since World War II is beyond fascinating. For example, one of the only markers left from East Germany is the Ampelmann, or traffic man. He looks so happy and jolly for the only cultural relic left from a Communist era.  If you are interested in history and culture, I highly recommend the movie Good-bye Lenin! Last time I checked, it was on Netflix.

3. HoliAn Indian Holi Festival: If you have ever seen pictures of this event, you will understand. If not, look at the picture at left and want to start a paint fight. It looks like so much fun: a place where chaos and sanity combine as emotions are released.

4. Thailand: One word: elephants. Elephants are quite possibly the cutest animals ever. For their size, elephants are such graceful creatures. There are places in Thailand that allow you to swim with elephants and interact with them. To me, the personal interaction creates much more of an impact then seeing animals at a zoo through a fence or a thick Plexiglas wall.

5. Paris: This past year, I had the pleasure of meeting two awesome grad students from Paris. The stories theyParis is always a good idea. told, the mannerism they presented themselves with, and their accomplishments screamed class. Everything they did seemed interesting, especially if you make them imitate how American girls act. Paris represents such a different culture so many movies and celebrities depict. I just want to see what all of the fuss is about.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? I’m always looking to expand my bucket list.

