Day 11: Social Media Habits of Successful People

According to Freakonomics, the only way to become an expert is to dedicate 10,000 hours to a particular area. Bill Gates’ success can be attributed to his developing his passion for computer programming in high school. While everyone else was doing their own thing, Gates aspired to be something bigger and started his 10,000 hours early.

In order to set yourself apart from the crowd and begin your 10,000 hours, I challenge you to change one thing in your life: how you use social media. This simple tactic involves nothing drastic but has the potential to be totally life changing.

social media

Use the social media you constantly check to give you one more nugget of information about the world around you. Start your 10,000 hours with something already built into your routine. Most of all, make it interesting to you! If its not somewhat interesting, then you will just skim over it in the future.

Do not be afraid to become interested in something off the beaten path or something totally different from what you are studying. Steve Jobs took a Calligraphy class on a whim. This seems strange because everyone knows him for computers, but this class exposed him to the calisthenics of design. Thanks to calligraphy, we have the beautiful, world class Mac interface those in the creative world demand.

At the end of the day, everyone has 24 hours. The difference between the successful people and the average people are how they choose to spend their time. Improve the way you use social media and expand your repertoire of information.




Day 5/6: An Open Letter to the Millennial Generation

I’m slowly getting used to this whole running a blog thing, in doing so, I’m experimenting with the best times for me to write. Sorry day 5 and 6 are in a combined post but I think the anonymous things I would say to people coincide fairly well with the following pet peeves of mine.

If someone took you into a restaurant, blindfolded, and described people only by what they were doing, chances are, you could guess which generation they belonged to in a heartbeat. Why is this? Mainly because the millennial generation has grown up in an era where it’s okay to be on your cellphone while with a group of people. Do not get me wrong, I am part of this generation and have fallen to this practice a few times. However, I have realized that the next Twitter post, Instagram photo of food, or text can wait. The occasional checking of the phone is understandable, especially when you have been with the people all day. But take the time to sit back and unplug from technology while you can to enjoy time with the people you are with face to face.

“Ignorance is bliss” is not something a millennial should be proud of. The access to technology at our fingertips every second of everyday creates a portal to discover any existing information. Discuss current events with your peers, hunt for the latest trends in your interests, or follow up with the headlines seen on Twitter. Regardless of what you are interested in, the information you know will guide your path to success, whether it be about the industry or your ability to connect with your boss. Whether you choose watching the news while working out, reading the paper (or blogs) between classes, or listening to podcasts on your way to class, learn the basics!

The “just because you can, doesn’t mean you should”  approach applies greatly to social networking and how its used. Your future employers do not want to see the pictures from your last social function or vacation, especially with certain clothing or drink choices. Everything you do creates your personal brand. This brand represents who you are beyond the half looked at resume. A simple Google search of your name creates your story. Capture this chance and create your own story.

So now that you know some of my pet peeves, I think it’s a good time to state where this blog will go after I complete the 30 Day Blog Challenge! Each pet peeves section (Class, Updates, and Professionalism) will eventually be its own section of my blog! I can’t wait to share more with you. If you have any ideas or topics you want me to cover, please let me know in the comments section.

