Day 10: Something I Never TIre Of Doing

You can never go wrong with Krispy Kreme and USAToday

You can never go wrong with Krispy Kreme and USAToday

Technically, it is Day 9; but, it has been incredibly rainy in the South East. Therefore, I cannot take pictures of what I learned recently. Hopefully the weather will clear up soon because I think what I learned is something everyone should know. Now that I’ve got you ready with the incredible cliffhanger…

Something I never tire of doing stems from settling from what I thought was the only option. No matter what the case, I have found other options exist. It is quite incredible the transformation people experience in their first few years of independence. Personally, this transformation took the shape of the friends I have made. Do not get me wrong, I am incredibly grateful for each and every person that has crossed my path. In some way, shape, or form, they have shaped me into the person I am today.

The people I am lucky enough to call my really good friends challenge me everyday, in multiple ways. Some days its intelligence, some days its patience, some days its forcing my stomach into knots of laughter. When we are together, I feel genuinely happy because they make me a better person.

I am a firm believer that progress is the key to moving forward. So whether its challenging my basic ideals or my patience, they are making me a better person. In fact, one of my friends encouraged my ideas enough to inspire this blog! To him, I am forever grateful.

So to the good times, the intelligent conversation, and laughter fits. Thank you all. I hope you citizens will follow suit and challenge my ideals or make me laugh!




Day 8: What’s in My Handbag?

So at any given time, this is what you’re bound to find in my handbag. Certain things rotate out depending on what I’m doing, of course, but these are the basics (plus keys and phone). I’m what I call a minimalist constantly afraid of forgetting something. Therefore, I have all of the essentials at any given time. These essentials include:
handbagIpad: In my free time, I love to constantly update the news to see what is going on in the world. This habit slowly became part of my reason for creating this blog!

Notepad and Pens: Along with constantly forgetting things, I write down everything. I constantly have lists going, if you remember from yesterday’s post!

Umbrella: The South East has fallen victim to crazy, inconsistent weather. It could be 70 degrees in the morning and 70 degrees at 4 pm with lots of rain or 90 degrees in the morning.

Glasses: These are a recent addition, but what can you do?

Wallet: I love this wallet because it can be carried on its own or with the rest of my things. It has just enough room to fit my phone, chapstick, a few bobby pins, and money. It even has a nifty little strap to be carried as needed.

My handbag itself is a fantastic thrift store find! I have no clue what brand it is, but it’s big enough to carry everything and then some! What items do you have to have on you at all times?




Day 5/6: An Open Letter to the Millennial Generation

I’m slowly getting used to this whole running a blog thing, in doing so, I’m experimenting with the best times for me to write. Sorry day 5 and 6 are in a combined post but I think the anonymous things I would say to people coincide fairly well with the following pet peeves of mine.

If someone took you into a restaurant, blindfolded, and described people only by what they were doing, chances are, you could guess which generation they belonged to in a heartbeat. Why is this? Mainly because the millennial generation has grown up in an era where it’s okay to be on your cellphone while with a group of people. Do not get me wrong, I am part of this generation and have fallen to this practice a few times. However, I have realized that the next Twitter post, Instagram photo of food, or text can wait. The occasional checking of the phone is understandable, especially when you have been with the people all day. But take the time to sit back and unplug from technology while you can to enjoy time with the people you are with face to face.

“Ignorance is bliss” is not something a millennial should be proud of. The access to technology at our fingertips every second of everyday creates a portal to discover any existing information. Discuss current events with your peers, hunt for the latest trends in your interests, or follow up with the headlines seen on Twitter. Regardless of what you are interested in, the information you know will guide your path to success, whether it be about the industry or your ability to connect with your boss. Whether you choose watching the news while working out, reading the paper (or blogs) between classes, or listening to podcasts on your way to class, learn the basics!

The “just because you can, doesn’t mean you should”  approach applies greatly to social networking and how its used. Your future employers do not want to see the pictures from your last social function or vacation, especially with certain clothing or drink choices. Everything you do creates your personal brand. This brand represents who you are beyond the half looked at resume. A simple Google search of your name creates your story. Capture this chance and create your own story.

So now that you know some of my pet peeves, I think it’s a good time to state where this blog will go after I complete the 30 Day Blog Challenge! Each pet peeves section (Class, Updates, and Professionalism) will eventually be its own section of my blog! I can’t wait to share more with you. If you have any ideas or topics you want me to cover, please let me know in the comments section.




Day 4: Favorite Books


I hate questions that begin with “what’s your favorite” followed by an object. I have never been one for picking favorites, simply because I typically have a ton. To me, picking your favorite book is like picking your favorite type of dessert. There are so many different types, subgenres, authors, styles, etc to choose just one. It also does not help that I am a total bookworm who will read pretty much anything recommended to me or placed into my lap. If I had to pick a few though, they would be:


The Perks of Being A Wallflower: I am the definition of a wallflower. I enjoy sitting back and observing all of my surroundings, taking it all in. Charlie exhibits so many similar characteristics, from his friends, family, lifestyle that I have experiences (sans drugs and traumatic childhood experiences). His story captured a lot of my high school career after meeting two separate friends who brought me out of my nerd shell. They’ve made me who I am today as much as Sam and Nothing made Charlie who he became.

Freakonomics: It would not be me stating my favorite books if I did not include a nerdy business book. Freakonomics opened my eyes to so many different ways of looking at the world. Whether it was learning how to take a step back and look at a problem at its roots instead of what is merely on the surface or discovering that some problems are blessings in disguise. These books changed my perspective on the world.

tumblr_mbb84cHSMw1qey5neo1_500Harry Potter: These books were my childhood. I have seen every movie and own every book. I was so obsessed that I went to the final book premiere dressed as Bellatrix LeStrange. I soaked up every word on a plane to New Jersey, until I hit a misprint. To the 12/13 year old me, this was devastating. My cousin so graciously drove me 20 minutes away to the nearest bookstore to pick up a perfect copy. I then finished the book by candlelight when I storm knocked out the power. I grew up with the characters. Then transformed with me.


As I’ve progressed in my college career I have not has as much time as I would like to read novels. I have however, kept up with other types of literature. I feel it is only fair to highlight one of them here because it is kind of an obsession.

Levo League: Like so many of my stories begin, “This one thing from Pinterest…” If you remember from my About Me page, one of my current obsessions is professionalism. In fact, I have 3 boards dedicated to this topic. Throughout all of those boards, articles about the elevation of women in the workplace, Generation Y, and other useful information broadened my perspective on what is really expected in the workplace. If you are ever looking for professionalism information, have a question about what to do, or are board and looking for cool information, I definitely recommend checking out this site.


As stated before, I will pretty much read anything recommended to me. That being said, what are your favorite books I should add to my reading list?




Day 3: 5 Places I Were I Want to Travel

For someone who is an International Business major, my out of the US traveling is a sad life of nonexistence. As a result, the places I want to travel continues long past 5 simple places. I’ve narrowed down the results to those outside of the United States.

[The sources of these pictures can be found when clicking the pictures]lakes-and-villas-private-luxury-tour-927x679

1. Italy: My last name ends in a vowel and my dad is full blooded Italian, therefore, I think it’s a requirement to visit where my ancestors called home. I grew up on various types of pastas and Italian desserts. However, the only Italian I know are words I should not repeat around innocent ears.

2. Berlin, Germany: I am currently studying German because of the history and economic reasons. As I’ve ampelmann1progressed in my studies, I have learned the history (pre and post war) about Berlin. The combination of East and West Germany since World War II is beyond fascinating. For example, one of the only markers left from East Germany is the Ampelmann, or traffic man. He looks so happy and jolly for the only cultural relic left from a Communist era.  If you are interested in history and culture, I highly recommend the movie Good-bye Lenin! Last time I checked, it was on Netflix.

3. HoliAn Indian Holi Festival: If you have ever seen pictures of this event, you will understand. If not, look at the picture at left and want to start a paint fight. It looks like so much fun: a place where chaos and sanity combine as emotions are released.

4. Thailand: One word: elephants. Elephants are quite possibly the cutest animals ever. For their size, elephants are such graceful creatures. There are places in Thailand that allow you to swim with elephants and interact with them. To me, the personal interaction creates much more of an impact then seeing animals at a zoo through a fence or a thick Plexiglas wall.

5. Paris: This past year, I had the pleasure of meeting two awesome grad students from Paris. The stories theyParis is always a good idea. told, the mannerism they presented themselves with, and their accomplishments screamed class. Everything they did seemed interesting, especially if you make them imitate how American girls act. Paris represents such a different culture so many movies and celebrities depict. I just want to see what all of the fuss is about.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? I’m always looking to expand my bucket list.




Day 2: Meaning Behind the Name

After further delving into the specifics behind the original 30 Day Challenges I was planning to do, I realized I cannot share some things and still get a job after college am pretty boring (Thanks, Parental Unit). Therefore, I decided to create my own 30 Day Challenge based on a variety of sources. This brings us to today’s challenge, the meaning behind the “Republic of the Condo.”

Blog Challenge

Disclaimer: I must first preface this by stating, my friends and I are fairly political off the internet. I prefer to keep this stuff off the internet, mainly because I would like to be hired one day. But yes, my blog’s name is based off the African Country.

One day, I was sitting in my freshman dorm room when my friend, Yoda, suddenly blurted out, “You need to write a book after you graduate and entitle it, ‘Republic of the Condo.’ It can highlight all of your misadventures and shenanigans.” Being the impatient person that I am, I decided not to wait until after I graduate to bestow my misadventures and shenanigans on the citizens of the interweb. Thus, “The Republic of the Condo” blog was born. Who knows, maybe Yoda’s dream will come true and this will turn into a book.

Some of the misadventures we’ve faced include discovering the shower works best to fill a Brita pitcher, finding superglue works instead of stitches, and trying to get candle wax out of the container does not work using the stove. Hopefully our misadventures and shenanigans will translate well with you because we are certainly having a blast learning common sense the hard way.

Stay Tuned,



To survive start off the month before I officially reign over the condo, I am going to explore the unknown. This adventure is also know as a 31 day blog challenge. This shall be the first manifestation of my obsession with Pinterest, as you shall soon find. So here goes nothing!

Day One: 5 Facts about meProm

1. I made my senior prom dress out of a shower curtain. Yes, you read that right, a shower curtain. I taught myself how to sew threw Pinterest and a few lovely ladies (Thanks, Ms. Gail and Grandma!!) who helped me with some basics. I have yet to take an actual sewing class but that’s changing this semester. Through the theater department, I’m taking a costume design class.

2.My dream after college is to move to New York City and work for an economic development firm. I became mesmerized by The City of Lights at such a young age, so young, I cannot remember when exactly it happened. There is just something about the atmosphere, diversity, and everything else about The City that I cannot wait to call my own.

Skydiving_edited3. I crossed skydiving off my bucket list last December. So when my cousin was 8, my uncle (my dad’s twin) took her skydiving. I thought this was the coolest thing ever. Naturally, the 8 year old me asked my dad if he would go with me. In my head, he said yes; in his, he said no. Though the world may never know exactly what happened, it remained on the bucket list. Six months and a day after my 18th birthday, I finally went.

4. I got a Twitter my freshman year of high school. These were the same days as MySpace and when a university email was required for Facebook. The main point of Twitter at that time was to follow celebrities who were not that interesting at the time. They pretty much posted tour dates and things magazines were saying about them. Nothing spectacular. Before I moved into college, I got a Twitter again to mainly keep up with my roommate and my little brother. Today, I use Twitter to follow websites and catch up with the latest headlines (and my little brother).Curly Hair_edited

5.  I have insane, thick curly hair. The best part about it is the fact that I’m slowly learning to control the madness. Though it will never truly be tamed, it’s the thought that counts, right? On the bright side, I’ve tried pretty much every product under the sun so if you have a question about it, shoot me a message or comment below. Side note: Picture at right is from a sane day.

So there you go! Day Number One complete! Thanks for reading!




The Condo: Off-Campus Land of Freedom

Today marks almost 1 month to the day of when I move into the off-campus land of freedom, hereby known as “The Condo.” The roommate and I shall rule this wonderful kingdom together and experience many an adventure.

We have discovered that showers are the best way to fill Brita pitchers, Fridays are meant for cleaning, and living with someone else in 182 square feet makes you really close, really fast. If our next year is anything like our last, you are in for quite the ride.

This blog is meant to be a lifestyle blog showcasing off-campus life, the excitement of involvement, and how to live within your means. I hope to explore unknown recipes, contain insanely wild curls, and discover what it’s like to rule a territory.

So sit tight citizens, while we take on The Condo.



The Ruler