Day 17: The New Keep Calm and Carry On

A friend of mine asked me how I keep up with everything I am involved in while still gathering more information on things I’m interested in. Part of this can be credited to an Albert Einstein quote I mentioned in yesterday’s post. A majority of this though, is credited to my everlasting struggle with multitasking. I used to talk on the phone, paint my nails, all while scrolling through the internet for information. Recently though, I have limited multitasking to listening to music, writing, and defining words I come across. Occasionally, I throw another list item into the mix.

I have learned to slow down and focus on one task at a time. As a result, I have conquered most of the things on my to-do list by the end of the day. My plans, however, have the tendency to hold me back from other experiences. Planning has always been in my nature as a Type A person. Plans have consisted of everything under the sun from a packing list, to balancing my schedule, to looking towards to future and getting as much done as possible. There is constantly a list going on in my head with at least 3 or 4 lists written down. I have a planner that I carry with me everywhere and notes on my iPhone about whatever thoughts come to my head.

Most of these plans are not needed.Plus, days tend to feel like the picture at right.  When you slow down and attempt to get everything done, you also learn the value of others’ time. This article from Fast Company goes more in depth into this issue. But what about outside of the board room?

I was out with a friend last night when a group of girls sat at the next table over. They spent the entire time taking pictures with each other and looking at their phones. While they appeared happy, they were not enjoying each others’ presence. These girls seemed caught up in social media and how others viewed them that no conversation existed. Granted, I do not know their back story or anything more about them. Situations such as this are something I see often when going out or when my younger brothers have friends over.

These girls were not contributing to each others’ lives except for another tag on Facebook or post on Instagram. Their conversation was limited and could have been done online. They were not living in the moment.

While I try not to be on the phone constantly when in the company of other people, I catch myself being caught up in other situations when my focus should be elsewhere. I went to a hot yoga class this past weekend and the yogi stated, “Use this time to be in the present and stop making lists of everything else you have to do after this class.” My friend looked at me, because even someone I had never met could stare so deep into my soul. Honestly, I was slightly terrified once I realized her accuracy. So often, we get caught up in what we have to do next that we forget about what we have to do now.

While the lists have not stopped, I have started making a more conscious effort to be present in everyday life. This has become even more important in my last days home before going back to college. We tend to take daily activities for granted.

Preparation will get you farther. Fine lines exist between preparation, progress, and barriers to success. In my attempts to correct the situation, I try to focus on the task or conversation at hand. How do you Keep Calm and Slow Down?

Rainbows and Rocket Ships,



Day 8: What’s in My Handbag?

So at any given time, this is what you’re bound to find in my handbag. Certain things rotate out depending on what I’m doing, of course, but these are the basics (plus keys and phone). I’m what I call a minimalist constantly afraid of forgetting something. Therefore, I have all of the essentials at any given time. These essentials include:
handbagIpad: In my free time, I love to constantly update the news to see what is going on in the world. This habit slowly became part of my reason for creating this blog!

Notepad and Pens: Along with constantly forgetting things, I write down everything. I constantly have lists going, if you remember from yesterday’s post!

Umbrella: The South East has fallen victim to crazy, inconsistent weather. It could be 70 degrees in the morning and 70 degrees at 4 pm with lots of rain or 90 degrees in the morning.

Glasses: These are a recent addition, but what can you do?

Wallet: I love this wallet because it can be carried on its own or with the rest of my things. It has just enough room to fit my phone, chapstick, a few bobby pins, and money. It even has a nifty little strap to be carried as needed.

My handbag itself is a fantastic thrift store find! I have no clue what brand it is, but it’s big enough to carry everything and then some! What items do you have to have on you at all times?

