Greetings, Earthlings

Hello, Citizens!

I apologize for falling off the face of the planet. Life has been a whirlwind for the past few months. I am going to try to become better about posting more often. As much as I would like to post everyday, I don’t think that will happen. To catch you up on recent events, I’m going slightly buzzfeed style.

I am currently an intern!

Did I mention my internship is blogging and networking, for the most part?

Yes, it’s currently perfect.

I now have a little!

She, a group of friends, and I are attempting to develop an app for the University of South Carolina.

If my life were a .gif right now, it would probably be this!

I’ll try to keep you citizens in the loop as much as possible. I’d rather be The Ruler than Congress afterall!

Rainbows and Rocketships,
